A traumatic brain injury can affect every aspect of a person’s life, making it challenging to participate in everyday activities. Traumatic brain injuries come in many forms and, as a result, can have various symptoms, treatments, and medical care needs. Below, GJEL Accident Attorneys describe some of the most frequently occurring types of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that a person may sustain.

We understand that it can be frustrating when someone’s negligent or reckless behavior causes your traumatic brain injury. You have your hands full prioritizing your health, and the prospect of figuring out a legal compensation claim can add to your feeling of overwhelm. That’s why our lawyers are here to assist you in helping to get your life back. We take care of all of the details of a compensation claim, so you can prioritize what’s most important—your health. Give us a call today to speak with one of our accomplished attorneys at 866-249-2142.
A concussion is the most commonly occurring kind of TBI. Concussions occur when there is a jolt to the head, causing the brain to move back and forth quickly. There are six different kinds of concussions:
- Vestibular,
- Cognitive fatigue,
- Anxiety or mood,
- Post-traumatic migraine,
- Ocular, and
- Cervical.
Concussions can range in severity. Seek medical assistance if you suspect that you have a concussion or notice concussion symptoms, such as repeated vomiting. An experienced healthcare provider can help you determine the severity level of your injury.
A contusion is the same as a bruise. However, in this case, it appears on the brain’s surface. It refers to when blood vessels rupture, and blood collects outside a blood vessel. Some signs of a contusion include the following:
- Trouble speaking,
- Difficulty understanding speech,
- Personality changes, and
- Problems coordinating movement.
A contusion can be mild, moderate, or severe. Some instances in which a contusion can occur are in a slip-and-fall accident where a person hits their head or a car accident where their head slams into a steering wheel. If you believe you have suffered a contusion, seek medical assistance immediately.
Diffuse Axonal Injuries
A diffuse axonal injury is another kind of TBI. This occurs when the brain’s axons, or nerve fibers, are torn. This injury is often the result of a significant rotation or shaking of the head. For example, a car accident can result in a diffuse axonal injury. The signs of this type of brain injury consist of the following:
- Memory issues,
- Communication difficulties,
- Motor impairments,
- Nausea, and
- Vomiting.
Remember that this is not a comprehensive list of symptoms. A diffuse axonal injury can cause a coma or other injuries to the brain. If you believe you have suffered a diffuse axonal injury, seek medical attention immediately.
Closed-Head Injuries
A closed-brain injury is one of the most common TBI types. With a closed-head injury, there’s no break in the skull and no penetrating injury to the brain. Nonetheless, the brain has an internal injury. There are multiple symptoms of a closed-head injury, including the following:
- Dizziness,
- Seizures,
- Headaches, and
- Mood changes.
A closed-head injury can vary in severity and may result from car accidents and falls.
Open-Head Injuries
The terms open-head injury or penetrating-brain injury refer to a break in the skull or a direct piercing of the brain. This type of injury can be highly dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. This injury can occur when an object penetrates the skull in a car accident.
The long-term effects of an open-head injury involve the following:
- Changes in cognition,
- Ongoing chronic pain,
- Memory trouble, and
- Changes in appearance.
Many survivors of open-head injuries need extensive, ongoing medical treatment.
Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury
With a coup-contrecoup brain injury, a person’s brain hits the area opposite to the point of impact. As a result, there is damage to two sides of the brain—the side of the impact and the other side where the brain hits the skull. A few examples of damage that can result from a coup-contrecoup brain injury consist of the following:
- Parietal lobe damage,
- Temporal lobe damage,
- Occipital lobe damage, and
- Frontal lobe damage.
A coup-contrecoup brain injury can arise from a slip-and-fall accident where your head hits the floor. It can also take place if you are in a car wreck. This kind of brain injury often requires ongoing medical care, such as physical therapy and speech therapy.
What Are the Different Levels of TBI?
A TBI can have different levels of severity depending on the circumstances of your accident. These generally consist of mild, moderate, and severe TBI injuries. Remember that every single brain injury is different and can have short-lived or life-long effects.
Mild TBI
A mild TBI is the least significant brain injury level. If a TBI is mild, it can typically heal within days or weeks. Some signs of a mild TBI are if you have trouble thinking clearly or sleeping. You should seek medical attention, even with a mild TBI. Only a doctor can diagnose your severity level and provide treatment.
Moderate TBI
A moderate TBI is the next potential injury level. It can cause a person to experience amnesia, unconsciousness, or a coma. Additionally, a person with a moderate TBI may have trouble remembering information. An individual with this type of injury may require ongoing, potentially long-term, medical care.
Severe TBI
A severe TBI can affect the injured individual and their entire family. This is because a severe TBI can result in a person experiencing a coma or vegetative state. Those with a severe TBI will likely need various treatments to help them heal.
How Our Lawyers Can Assist You
If you have experienced one of these types of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in California, contact the award-winning lawyers at GJEL Accident Attorneys. We can help you file a claim to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and more. We can also aid you in setting up appointments with medical specialists, communicating with your health insurance company, and investigating your claim. We have a 99% success rate for our clients and are ready to fight for you. Let us help you so you can focus on your health. Call us for a free consultation today at 866-249-2142.
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