Our friends over at Avvo, the social networking site for lawyers, and non-lawyers in need of advice, launched a new blog today with the purpose of “exposing the law for non-lawyers in an engaging and informative way, so that people are thinking about, and can understand, the law even when they’re not in legal trouble.”
I’ve made it no secret in the past that I’m a big fan of the services Avvo provides, both for lawyers and non-lawyers. But I’m particularly excited about this new blog, dubbed NakedLaw, because it jives with my goal for the GJEL blog. Every day, GJEL attorneys are immersed in complex legal issues that can sound like gibberish to even the most educated readers who just don’t happen to have a law degree. But GJEL blog tries to discuss the day’s issues related to consumer safety, legal culture, and California local news in a way that’s accessible to lawyers and non-lawyers alike.
NakedLaw has already written a post on an issue that we’ve been following closely: product recalls. NakedLaw lists a guide for consumers to protect themselves in the event of a product recall. Take a look at the guide, which covers everything from faulty car parts, to poisoned food, to dangerous childrens’ toys. So far, other posts include “Should Fat Be Illegal?” “10 STD Law FAQ’s,” and “18 Reasons Not to Let Grandma on a Boat [Video].” So needless to say, NakedLaw is worth a read.