On Friday, April 6th, GJEL partnered with the pedestrian safety advocacy group Walk SF to encourage Bay Area residents to take part in Walk to Work Day and share their participation online. The goal of the campaign was to not just get as many people walking to work as possible, but also to find a way to get those same people excited about sharing their morning commute on Facebook and Twitter.

For this year’s event GJEL and Walk SF designed an online contest that would allow anyone participating in Walk to Work Day, and later sharing details of their walk on Facebook or Twitter, to not only be eligible for prizes but also play a role in helping to fund pedestrian advocacy. Each person who used the hashtag #walk2workSF on Twitter or posted to Walk SF on Facebook was entered into a drawing for gift certificates ranging from $50 at Sports Basement to a $150 Wellness package from San Francisco Acupuncture. However, merely by participating, each person was also contributing directly toward making the city’s streets safer by securing a $25 donation (up to $2,000) from GJEL straight to Walk SF.

GJEL is pleased to announce that participation in Walk to Work Day far exceeded our initial estimates, and thanks to the 235 social media users who shared their actions online, we’ll be making a $2,000 donation to Walk SF.

Here’s a closer look at the Walk to Work Day contest:

  • Prior to Walk to Work Day, the contest received attention from several publications including The Examiner, The Bay Citizen, SF Streets Blog, SF Appeal, and SF Weekly.
  • The contest also received air time on KGO and KCBS radio as well as a short feature on Channel 26.
  • 235 people shared details of their morning commute across Twitter or Facebook.
  • 69 People shared the “I Walked to Work Day” picture on Facebook
235 People Participate in Walk to Work Day Contest, GJEL Donates $2000 to Walk SF 1
  • 24 people showed up in person to attend the pre-Walk to Work Day happy hour event on April 5th hosted by Walk SF.
  • The contest resulted in 55 new Twitter followers as well as 76 new fans of Walk SF on Facebook.
  • And, most importantly, the contest helped raise money and awareness for Walk to Work Day and pedestrian safety.

GJEL thanks everyone who participated in the contest, and looks forward to partnering with Walk SF for future events!

Author Photo

Andy Gillin received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of California at Berkeley and his law degree from the University of Chicago. He is the managing partner of GJEL Accident Attorneys and has written and lectured in the field of plaintiffs’ personal injury law for numerous organizations. Since 1972 he has been helping seriously injured victims throughout northern California fight & win their personal injury cases. Andy is one of the top awarded & recognized wrongful death lawyers in northern California.