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Injured? Don't Settle for Less. Expert Help.
Injured? Don't Settle for Less. Expert Help.
Call 24/7 1-415-986-4777

There are few injuries more traumatic than losing a limb in an accident. Severed limb injuries are both physically painful and emotionally devastating. Victims often face a long road to recovery and adjustment. Amputation victims must be able to get the full compensation they deserve.

$27,000,000 Amputee in premises liability case View Case

At GJEL, our California severed limb injury lawyers are aggressive advocates for those who have sustained an amputation injury in an accident. If you or a family member lost a limb in an accident in the Bay Area, please contact our amputation injuries attorney today for legal help. We can help you maximize the value of your personal injury claim.

California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 1

Causes of Amputation Injuries

Severed limb injuries can occur in a wide range of different ways. In most cases, an amputation follows a severe accident in which a victim’s limbs are exposed to a violent, devastating trauma. Some of the most common causes of severed limb injuries include:

● Auto accidents;
● Motorcycle accidents;
● Large truck accidents;
● Pedestrian collisions;
● Workplace accidents;
● Crush accidents;
● Defective product claims; and
● Medical malpractice cases.

The Consequences of a Severed Limb

The consequences of a severed limb are almost unimaginably devastating. A victim who loses any part of their body faces many challenges. To make matters worse, severed limbs can often result in severe, even life-threatening medical complications. Immediate emergency medical attention is always required. Beyond the direct effects of the severed limb, medical attention must be obtained to protect the injured victim against the following:

● Dangerous infections;
● Substantial blood loss;
● Sepsis and tissue death; and
● Other difficult medical complications.

Victims Must Be Able to Access Full Compensation

With severed limb injuries, maximum financial compensation must be made available to the injured victim in order to ensure that they can make the best possible physical recovery. This is necessary to allow the victim to return the highest quality of life.

After an accident, victims and their families face an enormous financial, physical, and emotional toll. Yet, even in a victim’s time of greatest need, defendants and insurance companies are still difficult to work with. Insurers use a wide array of tactics to try to limit the total compensation paid out to victims in severed limb cases.

If you or a loved one suffered a severed limb injury, it is imperative that you are represented by an experienced California catastrophic injury lawyer. Your lawyer will help you get the full recovery that is owed under the law. At GJEL, our Bay Area amputation attorneys help our clients recover the full available money damages for:

● Emergency medical treatment;
● Surgeries and other medical bills;
● Long-term physical therapy and rehabilitative care;
● Medication;
● Medical equipment;
● Psychological counseling;
● Disability compensation;
● Lost wages;
● Diminished earning capacity;
● Pain and suffering;
● Mental distress;
● Permanent impairment; and
● Reduced quality of life.

Get Help From our California Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

At GJEL, our dedicated catastrophic injury attorneys are fierce advocates for victims. If you or a loved one sustained a limb-loss injury in an accident, please do not hesitate to contact our law firm for free legal guidance and support. With offices throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California, our legal team fights aggressively to help victims, and their families maximize their compensation.

Visit An Office Nearby

California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 2
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 3
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 4
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 5
San Francisco
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 6
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 7
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 8
San Jose
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 9
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 10
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 11
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 11
Walnut Creek
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 11
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 14
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 15
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 16
California Amputation Injury Attorneys | GJEL 17

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