California Motor Caution Calendar
Fresh into the new year, it is common to make resolutions about attitudes or actions you would like to change this time around. These commonly relate to weight loss, financial responsibility, or interactions with family and friends. This year, we’d like to ask you to consider an additional resolution: to be safer on city streets to prevent car accidents. This means avoiding distracted driving, obeying speed limits and signs, and also being aware of when you’re driving.
The unfortunate reality is that no matter how safe you are behind the wheel, there remain drivers who will engage in distracted driving, disobey street signs, and drive drunk on national holidays. Of course, each state has its own laws against distracted driving and driving under the influence. But much of the responsibility lies with individual drivers to avoid dangerous situations on city streets and highways.
To keep track of dangerous driving days and safety-related events, we’ve created a motor caution calendar, complete with days and weekends that are often riddled with car accidents, and major national holidays to watch out for. The calendar also includes some of the safety holidays and events sponsored by pedestrian and bicyclist advocate groups, as well as concerned parents. Take a look, and email us at if we have missed important days or safety events.